Welcome to Fakenham Tennis Club

Fakenham Tennis Club is a small and friendly club located at the Gallows Sports Centre, Fakenham Race Course.sea moss pills

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Club COVID-19 Safeguarding Guidance



Read what's going on at Fakenham Tennis Club

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We hold junior coaching every Monday evening.

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Find Us

We're located at the Gallows Sports Centre.

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Junior Coaching

Tennis Coaching Available on Monday Evenings

  • up to 11 years – 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • over 11 years -  5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

For More Information contact Becky Palmer on 07799 483016.

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One to One Coaching

If you would like to spend an hour or two with our club coach then please give Becky a call on 07799 483016.

Information for Non Members

The courts can be booked by non-members and members of the Sports Club by contacting the sports centre on 01328 862867.

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Membership Rates for 2024.

Up to 18 Years or Full Time Students - Junior Rates: £15.50 per year
19 to 21 Years - ¼ Senior Subscription: £23.00 per year
22 to 23 Years  - ½ Senior Subscription: £46.25 per year
24 to 25 Years - ¾ Senior Subscription: £69.25 per year
26 & Over, Full Senior Subscription: £92.50 per year

2nd club members (main matches played for another local club) - £45

This applies to all members joining between April 1st & September 30th

Anyone joining between October 1st & March 31st pays half due fee.

Club Nights

For each club night juniors pay 50p and seniors £1.00